S.S.SS.SS, MY LONG FURBY - UPDATE 1, 21/08/2024

I am currently making a long furby named Sunday Soulless StrangeSight ShadowSoul. If you couldn't tell, the name is inspired by Strange Aeons' long furby named "Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge". Anyway, I have acquired all of the things to create her. I have her spine, her faceplate (Which I painted), her fur, and some other small things. I need to remove the original fur from her faceplate, then I will start to put all of her components together, completing her.

S.S.SS.SS, MY LONG FURBY - UPDATE 2, 23/08/2024

Since my last update, I have made some small progress. I have removed the original fur from her faceplate, and now I am painting another coat on it. Other than that, not much has been done.


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